The 2 Months advanced Photography course at Procolor Academy in Chandigarh is designed to help students enhance their photographic knowledge and mastery of subjects such as visual language, advanced composition, and studio lighting.
The students in this course focus beyond the basics and delve into advanced technical aspects of Photography, which enables them to better tell their intended story
Learning is facilitated through a mix of lectures, slideshows, demonstrations, outdoor and studio-based practical assignments, critique sessions, workshops, field trips, and guest lectures by industry professionals.
This course is designed for those who are specifically interested in learning more advanced techniques in stills Photography and Photo Editing and does NOT include Cinematography or Video Editing.
For high-end post-production of still images we teach our students the most advanced and professional techniques using the following software:
- Adobe Lightroom CC
- Adobe Photoshop CC
Key topics:
- The core concept of Aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
- Automatic, Semi-automatic & Manual shooting modes
- Metering modes and their practical use
- Composition techniques
- Basics of Lighting- Colour temperature & Intensity
- Shooting formats (RAW / JPEG)
- Dynamic Range
- History of Photography
- Types of different Cameras
- Various types of Camera lenses & Lens mounts
- Science of Colour- Hue, Saturation & Luminance
- Image sensor types and their role
- Autofocusing techniques
- Introduction to Adobe Lightroom CC
- Raw image processing
- Practical use of Lightroom brushes and presets for landscape and Portrait editing
- Colour grading techniques in Adobe Lightroom CC
- Introduction to on-Camera Flash
- Various techniques to control and manipulate on-camera flashlight
- The pairing of off-camera flashes via wireless remote trigger
- Introduction with various types of flash modifiers- Magmod kit, Softbox, Honeycomb grid, Beauty dish, Cutters, Barndoors, etc
- Introduction and practical use of Sekonic Light meter
- Various Light patterns used in Portrait Photography
- Fashion Photography practical workshop with a professional model
- Product Photography practical (Group assignment)
- Introduction with Adobe Photoshop CC
- Working with layers in Photoshop CC
- Skin softening and Face retouching techniques in Adobe Photoshop CC
- Photo Manipulation techniques in Photoshop CC
- Background removal and Sky replacement technique in Photoshop CC
- Logo Designing in Photoshop CC
- Applying different grades and colour effects to the Photos in Photoshop CC
- RAW image processing via the Adobe Camera RAW plugin