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video editing workshops

From Filming to on-screen picturization. Post film production or editing is what brings it all together. video editing is responsible for that wow factor in action sequences or that perfectly timed background score during a horror scene. The editing department works tirelessly for a film to reach its true potential, even the modern YouTube millionaires spend hours just editing the videos themselves. It’s an art and often undermined. PROCOLOR Photography Academy focuses on the post production video editing workshops. We provide Adobe Premiere Pro workshops in Chandigarh that are organized year round for amateur enthusiasts and budding videographers alike. Our faculty organizes an activity filled workshops designed to illuminate the host crowd about adobe premiere and its basic functionalities. The goal for us is to enable every amateur videographer to be able to edit their videos for a better end product. We host dedicated video editing workshops in Chandigarh as well. For budding professionals we offer the chance to join the PROCOLOR Photography Academy and enroll themselves for the video editing classes. We are distinguished by courses that are designed by our extremely experienced faculty with a wealth of experience behind them. Our curriculum is designed to ensure complete familiarization with video editing and the software required . We maximise your potential enabling you to turn your passion into a career.


Making the leap from amateur to professional photography is not the result of some trivial decision. Going pro requires a completely different attitude, approach, and mindset. Photography is an easily accessible art form for most, with easy to use image processing tools and a decent camera to go with it. However, that’s just the surface of it all. A career in Photography blends both artistic and technical acumen, and like most other arts, needs practice and perseverance. We at PROCOLOR Academy are focused on imparting the fundamental and complex knowledge of the art that is photography and the skills required for post-production with the aid of popularly used photo editing software like Photoshop. We organize photo editing workshops in Chandigarh for hobbyists and professionals alike. Incorporating a hands-on approach with the teaching we ensure you learn the basics of photo editing and are able to create beautiful images with the aid of post-production tools. We offer photo-editing workshops in Chandigarh for budding professionals. Our trained and experienced faculty ensure your passion and rewards you with real-world career opportunities. PROCOLOR Photography Academy is the premier institute not by virtue but by choice of every budding photographer that looks to turn passion into a career. Do what you love and all we do is help you do it.

photo editing workshops
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